Women’s Ministry


The Women’s Ministry of the Living Springs Church exists as a tool for connecting women, nurturing and empowering them to grow in faith, and encouraging them to give life to the world around them.

Currently, a Bible Study “Judges – God Uses Ordinary People”, meets at the church each Thursday afternoon from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. It is open to women interested in studying the Bible together.  Materials are provided and there is no homework required.  For working women, a similar Bible study meets via Zoom every Saturday morning. Please contact us if interested.

There are also various outreach ministries throughout the year for those (men, women and children) who would like to be involved in “hands on” opportunities to reach out to our church families, our communities, and foreign missions.

You may contact the church further for more info on LSC Women’s Ministry.

For further information about Wesleyan Women in general, please visit: https://www.wesleyan.org/women.