Rev Jean Halvorson
“Pastor Jean”
A Tribute to Pastor Jean
Written in 2016
She smiled, she rejoiced, she counseled and she prayed.
When her flock needed her, she was there, to guide them along life’s way.
God’s Word was her guide, its truths etched on her heart of love
Prayer was her sweet communion with her Lord and Master above.
She blessed and influenced those around her;
She followed God’s holy leading and His sweet, gentle whisper
In private or in pulpit she never sought her own acclaim;
But instead chose to put Christ first and honor His precious Name.
She will be greatly missed by all her loved ones here,
And though she is home with the Lord at the dawning of this New Year,
She is rejoicing at her Savior’s feet and singing songs of praise
To her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, His praise she will always raise.
“Hi Everyone. This is Pastor Jean resting in the love and prayers of God’s people. As I was praying for the church this afternoon in regard to the multiple crisis situations, the Lord said to me ‘the church is not falling apart; it is falling into the hands of the Sovereign Lord where miracles happen.’ I love you all.” Pastor Jean (9 weeks before she went to be with the Lord).